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Nancy Talbott
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(617) 492-0415

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October 2006

Part 1 | Part 2

- Part 2 -

In an attempt to serve such interest more comprehensively, I decided to briefly include in this report another aspect of the events which regularly occur around Robbert v/d Broeke. Although no sophisticated or comprehensive research has yet been carried out on unusual photographic effects, these are so pervasive in this case that it would be remiss not to point some of them out again. Over the several weeks I stayed in Hoeven in October, 2006 Robbert and I spent many nights in his home documenting the events included here.

Sometimes we would stop for awhile to eat something or listen to music or to just take photos — dozens of which contained, every night (primarily during these breaks), a variety of photographic anomalies. As usual it was Robbert whose photographs were the most dramatic, but it is a fact that, over the years, I also am increasingly obtaining a wide range of unusual light phenomena in my own photographs.

On this particular trip the majority of the strange photographic light effects involved the so-called light-balls (BOLs). I thought it was curious that we got only a few BOLs while we were "working," but during our "breaks" got dozens, perhaps hundreds, in many photos.

Nancy in Robbert's office, with "light-balls."
Photo: Robbert v/d Broeke, 2006.

It should be noted that not all of our photos - even those that were taken in rapid succession and in which some of the photos contained BOLs — do contain BOLs or any other photographic anomaly. In Robbert's house (and also out in the fields) the BOL photos are usually mixed in with all sorts of other light phenomena, although there are times when the BOLs are almost exclusively the anomaly obtained.

Isn't it curious that on those nights in October 2006 when we were concentrating on documenting the events in this report, almost all of those "work" photos were clear as a bell? There were a few very faint BOLs in some of the photos I took while Robbert was concentrating on "sticking" the forks and spoons to his body….but nothing like we regularly see.

What we have noticed for many years now is that we seem to get the most phenomenal photos — the most really outrageous anomalies — when we are relaxing, with no particular goal in mind. I have noticed also when I'm in the field working in crop circles that I rarely experience anything unusual or photograph anything peculiar when I am focused solely on documentation and taking samples. But this is not the case when I am not "working." To me this raises interesting questions about many things, in particular the very nature of consciousness itself and its connection to what we all call "reality."

Two photos taken within seconds of each other with the same camera. Note that in the first photo (and in the other BOL photos) the overall "brightness" of the shot is less than in the "normal" photo. We regularly observe this difference.
Photos: Robbert v/d Broeke, 2006.

Robbert's living room during one of our "breaks" from documenting events for this report.
Photo: Robbert v/d Broeke, 2006.

And for those individuals who suspect that in digital photographs (such as those above) dust particles in the air (reflecting the light of the flash) must be the cause of these BOLS, I point out that (a) Mrs. v/d Broeke is a meticulous housekeeper and I have rarely seen any dust in this house, (b) there was no heat or A/C on (and thus no air flow or air disturbance) during this night, and (c) Robbert and I were the only people up and moving around at this time of night, and that — in this particular case — he and I had been in his office all night just prior to this living room photo (above) being taken. The chances that any of these photos are the result of dust particles in the air reflecting the light of the flash is, in my opinion, very, very slim.

One of the reasons for writing this report is my increasing conviction that many events which are currently labeled as "paranormal" are somehow related to one-another. In Robbert's case we have documented evidence of a wide variety of phenomena: "poltergeist" activity, "out of body" experiences, "remote viewing," a "psychic" preview of the occurrence of new crop circles, the ability to alter and otherwise affect physical matter, even interaction with "UFOs" and strange "beings." And, although I have not counted the total number of profoundly anomalous photographs taken by Robbert over the last 10-15 years, there are -- at the very least -- several thousand by now, all of them consistently indicating that Robbert is somehow in touch with, is a conduit for, realities unknown to most of us.

Finally, what is probably the most important "paranormal" development in Robbert's case has been his increasing ability as a medium. As the years have gone by he has become able to know, in very accurate detail, the past, and the future, of people who ask him for "readings." His clients consistently report that he correctly identifies the names of people close to them who have died, their occupations, their special names for family members, and physical items in their homes which have special meaning, etc. He can also "see" impending illnesses in his clients and this ability has on many occasions resulted in the discovery (subsequently, by M.D.s) of disorders which would have become life-threatening if not diagnosed when they were. In other words, Robbert's abilities often help people--not only emotionally and spiritually, but also in very practical physical matters.

In recent years he has become able not only to "see" and communicate with people who have died, he has become able to photograph them. He had told me this was happening, but until October, 2006 I had no direct evidence of this. One night--I think it was the night we were trying to document this ability to bend metal — we suddently heard a very quiet "tap, tap, tap" on the door to the office. It was so quiet I would not have paid any attention, except that then Robbert asked me if I had heard it? I answered "yes," and realized that something was getting ready to happen.

As we turned toward the door, Robbert took my camera and, aiming toward the door, began taking photographs. To my total astonishment a man's face and shoulders clearly appeared on the digital camera LED screen, startling me very considerably. Robbert and I were standing right next to each other, about 4-5 feet away from the door. I could see nothing but air between us and the door — but the LED screen clearly showed an older man standing there. His face was quite clear. He looked to be about 65 years old and was dressed in a suit and tie, and Robbert felt that he had died and was in need of help. [I am not posting the first 12 photos — those in which the man appears -- out of consideration for his family members.]

Robbert took 26 photos over the next several minutes, while he tried to assist this man. The man turns, and moves, and is seen in a number of positions in the first 12 photographs, then another figure we can't identify (see below) appears for the next 5 frames. Finally, there are several shots showing only the door or BOLS where the man and the unknown figure had been. All of these images were visible only on the LED screen of the camera.

The 13th shot in this 26-shot sequence, showing the figure
which appeared after the older man had disappeared.
Photo: R. v/d Broeke, 2006

The 14th and 15th shots in the sequence.
Notice the overall sepia color-tone of these photos.
Photos: R. v/d Broeke

The 16th and 17th shots in the sequence. Although this figure looks like a torso & right arm of a human form, it is much less distinct than is the elderly man in the earlier shots.
Photo: R. v/d Broeke

During the whole episode, the color had changed entirely to a brownish, sepia tone; when it was over, the camera again recorded color accurately.

Photo # 26 (last in the sequence), showing BOLs.
Image color has returned to normal.
Photo: R. v/d Broeke

Photo # 2 in sequence. Clock shows episode lasted 13-14 minutes.
Photos: R v/d Broeke.

Although both Robbert and I had the impression that the entire episode lasted only a few minutes, photograph #2 in the sequence (above) shows the starting time to be 3:40 am. The last photograph, #26, also shows the clock which now reads 3:53 or 3:54 am, indicating that 13-14 minutes elapsed overall.

Perhaps the social and technological development of western societies has finally reached the point where we can begin to treat cases like Robbert's — and there are others all over the world — as the invitation they are to our scientists (and indeed all thoughtful people) to begin to re-examine both our concepts of human limitation and our perceptions regarding the boundaries of "reality."


Addendum: In the crop circle arena, the summer of 2007 appears to be of particular significance. The first crop formation reported in the northern hemisphere occurred very early in the season (2-3 months prior to their customary start-date) on the night of March 12th, near Hoeven. It was a 3-circle formation in grasses and was unusual not only because of its early arrival, but because this time Robbert perceived an actual "hard-body" UFO with "satellite" objects as being involved in its appearance. For details, see:

Then, during the night of June 20th Robbert "saw" in his mind's eye a new circle forming in a village near Hoeven. He drew a diagram of what he believed would be found in the field and left this drawing with a few notes regarding its location for his father to pursue in the morning. What Mr. v/d Broeke found in the field on the morning of the 21st was highly significant for one reason in particular — instead of the 5-circle formation pictured in Robbert's drawing, 4 circles were what actually existed in the field.

One of a whole series of crop formations which are occurring in
and nearby Robbert's home in Hoeven, Holland.
Photo: R. v/d Broeke, 2007

Robbert has almost never made a "mistake" in his awareness of what will be found in the field and, when his father told me about the situation, I was certain that a 5th circle would either be found somewhere else in the field or that another circle would appear very soon.

And almost immediately that 5th circle did occur, under truly extraordinary circumstances witnessed by Robbert and — thank heavens — several other people. What has transpired in and around Hoeven since then during June and July will be discussed in a subsequent BLT report. As of mid-day July 28th there have been 9 more crop circles (4 more in that same field) occurring in the most unusual of contexts yet reported as being related to the crop circle phenomenon.

In three of the formations a large amount (several cups in each case) of a white powder has been discovered, which looks very similar to the magnesium carbonate found on the balcony floor outside Robbert's bedroom after the BOL incident (discussed above) in 1997. Laboratory analyses will be carried out and a comparison made to the 1997 material.

Center of one of the crop formations with some of the
white powder still in situ.
Photo: P.Vanlaerhoven

A very recent formation has occurred at a location well-known to Robbert, and to me. People who have been present at some of my lectures will perhaps recognize the next photo, because this location (a field near Standaardbulten) is where another extraordinary event occurred in 2003, in which Robbert was apparently literally picked up and moved from one physical spot to another, by a large glowing BOL. Upon recovering his senses he could see a large new circle in the field below the shoulder of the road, where he had regained consciousness. That year I arrived from Poland just one day after this event and Robbert and his family and I all went to the field, a visit which resulted in several very dramatic light-anomaly photos.

Then, in 2004, Robbert and I again returned to this location — at which time photographic distortions occurred on almost all of the photographs we took there — in spite of the fact that it was a year later and there was nothing unusual in the field that year.

2007 formation in same field where a large cropcircle was found in 2003,
after Robbert was "deposited" near road, next to hedge in upper right.
Photo: P. Vanlaerhoven

During these last two months I have been in regular contact with the v/d Broeke family and certainly wanted to join them in Holland. However, financial constraints had precluded this possibility; but now an "angel" (of the earthly type) has provided travel expenses and I will be in Hoeven soon.

The next update about Robbert will be put up on the BLT web-site sometime in the fall, when I've had time to organize the massive amount of information already collected in and around Hoeven this summer and to ponder whatever marvels may still unveil themselves.

For additional photos of the 2007 crop circles in Holland, please see the Dutch crop circle web-site at

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